Inline Process Refractometers for Black Liquor - Electron Machine Corp.

Black Liquor is the waste product from the process of digesting pulpwood into paper pulp by removing various elements to free the cellulose fibers.

The Electron Machine Corporation pioneered the use of refractometers to accurately measure black liquor dissolved solids nearly 50 years ago. Our long history with this application has resulted in numerous design features that specifically address problems associated with this harsh process measurement.
Black Liquor SystemImage Copyright Electron Machine Corp. All rights reserved.
The MPR E-Scan™ has a ruggedly designed sensing head that features a 2205 S/S prism holder, sapphire prism (more durable than Spinel), LED light source, vibration and heat resistant electronics, and a simple 0-10V signal. These are features that will ensure years of low-maintenance operation. Each MPR E-Scan™ is specifically tailored for specific process requirements and is custom calibrated and temperature compensated using our proprietary methods.

The Prism Purge Pak steam cleaning system can be controlled automatically, on specified time intervals, or manually to ensure an accurate reading by removing any coatings on the prism surface. Our time proven isolation valve adapter allows safe and straight-forward removal of the sensing head while the process is flowing and pressurized in the event that maintenance is needed, eliminating the piping issues of a by-pass line.

For a BLRBAC compliant divert system, please see our MDS Monitor Divert System.
Black Liquor SystemImage Copyright Electron Machine Corp. All rights reserved.

The World's Most Rugged Inline Process Refractometer | Call Today 352-669-3101

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